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IMMIGRANT Surveyor Thomas Lewis[1]

Male 1718 - 1790  (71 years)

Personal Information    |    Media    |    Sources    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name Thomas Lewis 
    Title IMMIGRANT 
    Prefix Surveyor 
    Born 27 Apr 1718  County Donegal, Ulster Province, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died 31 Jan 1790  Port Republic, Rockingham Co., Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I19434  My Reynolds Line
    Last Modified 22 May 2022 

    Father John Gilbert of Beverley Manor 'Pioneer' Lewis,   b. 1 Feb 1678, County Donegal, Ulster, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Feb 1762, Bellefonte, Augusta County, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 84 years) 
    Mother Margaret Lynn,   b. 3 Jul 1693, County Donegal, Ulster, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1773, Bellefonte, Augusta County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 79 years) 
    Family ID F6475  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Jane Strother,   b. 1731, King George Co., Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 19 Sep 1820, Rockingham Co., North Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 89 years) 
    Married 26 Jan 1748  Augusta Co., Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location 
      Children of Thomas Lewis and Jane Strother:
      Capt. John Lewis 1749 - 1788 - died single
      Margaret Ann Lewis 1751 - 1834 - m. John McClanahan
      Agatha Lewis 1753 - 1836 - m. Capt John Frogg&Capt. John Stuart
      Jane Thompson Lewis 1755 - 1790m. Thomas Hughes
      Andrew Lewis 1757 - 1810 - died single
      Thomas Lewis, Jr 1760 - 1847 - died single
      Mary Lewis 1762 - 1829, m. John McElhany
      Elizabeth Lewis 1765 - 1829, m. Thos. M. Gilmer
      Anne Lewis 1767 -?; m. Mr. Douthat and Mr. French
      Frances Lynn 'Fannie' Lewis 1771 - 1845 m. Layton Yaney.
      Charles Lewis 1772 - 1832, m. Miss Yaney
      Sophia Lewis 1775 - 1860, m. John Carthrae
      William Benjamin Lewis 1778 - 1825 m. Miss M. Hite
    • Thomas Lewis' three oldest sons, John, Andrew and Thomas, Jr. were officers in the Revolutionary army. John and Andrew were with General Washington at Valley Forge and throughout the Jersey campaign. John and Thomas were at the surrender of Cornwallis and Andrew was an officer under General Wayne in his expedition against the Western Indians in 1795, and lost an arm.
    +1. Margaret Ann Lewis,   b. 1751, Augusta County, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Jan 1834, Augusta County, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 83 years)
     2. Captain John [Strother] Lewis,   b. 1749, Augusta County, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1788, Augusta County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 39 years)
    Last Modified 4 Mar 2021 
    Family ID F7236  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Documents
    Newspaper Article Andrew Lewis
Daily Arkansas Gazette May 22,1904
    Newspaper Article Andrew Lewis Daily Arkansas Gazette May 22,1904
    19436LewisAndrew DailyArkansasGazette May22,1904.jpg
    Map of Part of Augusta County, Colony of Virginia 1755-1760; Shows Tinkling Spring Church, Fort Chiswell, and Fort Dickinson
    Map of Part of Augusta County, Colony of Virginia 1755-1760; Shows Tinkling Spring Church, Fort Chiswell, and Fort Dickinson
    Alexander McClanahan
    Alexander McClanahan
    Virginia Frontier (Kegley)
    Virginia Frontier (Kegley)
    Virginia Frontier (Kegley).pdf
    Charles Lewis & Sarah Murray
John Lewis & Margaret Lynn
Andrew Lewis & Mary Calhoun
Thomas Lewis & Jane Strother
General Andrew & Eliabeth Givens
Colonel William & Ann Montgomery
Colonel Charles & Sarah Murray
John Lewis children were all born in Ireland, except Charles, the youngest.
    Charles Lewis & Sarah Murray John Lewis & Margaret Lynn Andrew Lewis & Mary Calhoun Thomas Lewis & Jane Strother General Andrew & Eliabeth Givens Colonel William & Ann Montgomery Colonel Charles & Sarah Murray John Lewis children were all born in Ireland, except Charles, the youngest.

    Chronicles of the Scotch-search
    Chronicles of the Scotch-search
    Chronicles of the Scotch-search.txt

  • Sources 
    1. [S100] Internet Source,
      Thomas Lewis was the colonial surveyor of Augusta County, Virginia; a member of the House of Burgesses; a member of the Virginia convention of 1776, and was one of the commissioners of the Confederation in 1777 to treat with the Indian tribes who had been defeated at the battle of the Point. He married Jane, d/o William Strother, of Stafford county, VA in 1749 and left issue:...

    2. [S82] Wikitree,
      Name Jane Strother
      Gender Female
      Birth? 1731 King George, VA
      Marriage 26 JAN 1748/49 Virginia to Thomas Lewis, of the Bullpasture, Augusta County, VA
      Death 19 Sep 1820 Rockingham County, Virginia
      Parents and Siblings
      F. William Strother, IV, of Stafford 1697-1732
      M. Margaret Watts 1700 - 1755, m. 26 MAR 1718
      Children of William and Margaret Strother:
      Alice Strother 1719 -
      Elizabeth Strother 1721 -
      Anthony Strother 1723 -
      Ann Strother 1723 -
      Margaret Madison Strother 1726 -
      Agatha Strother 1728 - 1784
      Jane Strother 1731 - 1820
      Spouse and Children
      H. Thomas Lewis, of the Bullpasture, Augusta County, VA 1718 - 1790
      W. Jane Strother1731 - 1820, m. 26 JAN 1748/49
      Cildren of Thomas Lewis and Jane Strother:
      Capt. John Lewis 1749 - 1788
      Margaret Ann Lewis 1751 - 1834
      Agatha Lewis 1753 - 1836
      Jane Thompson Lewis 1755 - 1790
      Andrew Lewis 1757 - 1810
      Thomas Lewis, Jr 1760 - 1847
      Mary Lewis 1762 - 1829
      Elizabeth Lewis 1765 - 1829
      Anne Lewis 1767 -
      Frances Lynn 'Fannie' Lewis 1771 - 1845
      Charles Lewis 1772 - 1832
      Sophia Lewis 1775 - 1860
      William Benjamin Lewis 1778 - 1825
      Early Land Acquisition in Augusta County, VA

      Acquisition of Land from Orange County, Virginia Records:
      Pg. 160-162. Indenture 22 Feb. 1745 between John Lewis of Beverley Manor of County of Augusta of the one part and Thomas Lewis, son of the foresaid of other part... for five shillings.. sells 740 acres of land in Beverley Manor lying on Lewis's Creek (being part of a tract of land containing 2,071 acres).. bounded.. John Preston's field... (signed) John Lewis (seal). Witnesses: Robt. Poage, Andrew Lewis, William Lewis. Paid ?10.. release recorded 25 July 1745. [Orange County Virginia Deed Book 10, Dorman, pg. 43].

      Acquisition of Land from Chalkley's:

      Thomas Lewis (entered by Andrew Lewis) acquired 200 acres in the Bull Pasture at the foot of the mountain, 19 Jan. 1754,

      Page 8.?38th February, 1754. Thos. and Andrew Lewis, 200 acres of land joining Harcklas Wilson on the cow pasture and two 200 surveys near John Shaw's land, two 200 acres joining Lewis' line near head of Bull Pasture, and two 200 surveys near foot of mountain, north sid« of Bull pasture not far from Bodkin's land, and 200 acres joining George Wilson, and a survey of the Reed Hole and towards Hicklin's land, and 200 acres at a small meadow between the Warm Springs and Jackson's land, and 200 acres about 5 miles from the Warm Springs near the path from said Spring to Harden's land on the mountain, and one survey on Cedar Run near a survey made on said Run, and 200 acres in the Calf Pasture joining the west and north lines of Samuel Gay, and 200 acres on a ridge near Dunlap's old place where Meek made some improvements. Robert McClenachan.

      Additional Info: Wikipedia
      ? Power of Attorney from William Beverley

      Because of the large amount of work in conveying land to early settlers (especially in outlying areas like the Calfpasture), William Beverley appointed a few trusted elders to assist him in conveying land to other settlers. Thomas Lewis was one of those he granted his power of attorney to transact land on his behalf, as listed in the following record:

      Page 434.--12th June, 1753. Power attorney, Beverley to Thomas Lewis and John Madison to convey lands in Calfpasture, 1753. Teste: John O'Neal and John (his mark) Furnish, Peter Scholl, Wm. Lusk, Wm. Burk, Wm. Frazer.

      ? Records in Augusta County, VA

      From Chalkley?s Augusta County Records:

      Vol. 2 - Charles Lewis vs. Layton Yancey--O. S. 24; N. S. 8--From Rockingham. Copy of deed 22d October, 1797. Charles Lewis and Ann of Rockingham to Layton Yancey; on South River, Shenandoah, adjoining said Yancey, corner Maggots land; recorded October Court, 1797. Layton Yancey married a sister of Charles Lewis and was his guardian, Charles's father having died in 1790 when Charles was 17 or 18 years old. John Yancey was Layton's brother. Answer sworn to 16th June, 1801. Copy of Thomas Lewis's will of Rockingham, dated 15th October, 1789. Proved in Rockingham, February Court, 1790. Funeral service to be read by Peachey Gilmore, as it is found in Clark's Reformed Liturgy. Distressed son and his family; daughter McElhaney, daughter Gilmer; late brother General Andrew Lewis; brother William Lewis of Sweet Springs; son-in-law Col. Stuart; son-in-law Layton Lancey and his wife, Fanny; unmarried daughters, Ann and Sophia; daughter Agathy Stuart; son Thomas, who has rendered himself incapable of maintaining himself by his own miscondict and follies; son-in-law John Stuart; nephew William Lewis, son of William Lewis of Sweet Springs; sons John and Andrew; daughter, Jean wife of Thomas Hughes. John, Andrew and Jean are excluded on account of their vices. Infant sons, Charles and William; grandsons, Thomas and Charles, sons of John Lewis; granddaughter, Elizabeth; daughters, Margaret Bowyer, Mary McElhaney, Elizabeth Gilmore.

    3. [S84] Rootsweb,
      Tinkling Spring Photo Album
      Deeply imbedded in the history of the settlement of Augusta County is Tinkling Spring Church. The first settlers from the north were John Lewis who arrive in 1732 and William Beverley who was given a large land grant in 1736. The Scotch-Irish Presbyterians who followed lost no time in forming the Triple Forks of the Shenandoah Congregation and in petitioning the Donegal Presbytery for the services of a minister. Two centers of worship developed--Tinkling Spring and the Augusta Stone Meeting Houses. These pictures are from Howard McKnight Wilson's The Tinkling Spring: Headwater of Freedom, A study of the Church and Her People, 1732-1952, permission granted by Tinkling Spring Church.
      Tinkling Spring Church was officially founded in 1740. The first meeting house was a log cabin measuring twenty-four by fifty feet. The floor plan shows seating arrangement and pew rent. The small pulpit was located along the west wall. The interior was severely simple and the floor was the ground over which the the sanctuary was constructed. The pews were simple benches without backs, probably made of split logs.
      This monument, which stands outside the Fellowship Hall, reads, "Sacred to the Memory of the Immigrants to this valley who turned the wilderness into habitations." It lists the names of the original members who were assessed twelve shillings each to build the first meeting house. Administratively, the membership was divided into three Quarters headed by John Christian, William Wright, and John Finley. Christian's quarter included families named Black, Cowin, Wilson, Long, Bell, Alexander, Stewart, Patton, Hall, Robison, Cristian, Davison, McCollock, Caldwell, Armstrong, Rutledge, Henderson, Conegham, Thomson, Scott, Gamel, Ramsey, Preston, Maxwell, McDonal, Russell, Lewis, Hutchison, McClanahan, Brackenridge, and McCollock. Wright's quarter included families named Smith Hutchison, Palmer, Thomson, Moday, Frazer, Johnston, Logan, Henderson, Scileran, Black, Cear, McCune, Fergeson, and Wright. Finley's quarter included families named McClure, Turk, Gay, Finley, McCollock, Gelaspey, Edmiston, Campbell, Stewart, Peterson, Cear, Tays, Steel, and White. (Photo courtesy of Ellen L. Moffett)
      Interest in building a new meeting house began in 1777 when the subscribers agreed to pay the costs. However, completion of the building was delayed by the war and it wasn't until about 1792 that the Stone Sanctuary shown here was completed.
      The present church building was erected in 1849 and remodeled in 1916.

      The statue of Pioneer Woman was chosen by Howard McKnight Wilson as the Frontispiece in his The Tinkling Spring: Headwater of Freedom, A study of the Church and Her People, 1732-1952.